Certainly, here’s a general prayer invoking the guidance and protection of the seven archangels:

“O mighty archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Remiel, and Zadkiel,
I call upon you in this moment of need.
Guardians of the heavenly realms, messengers of divine grace,
I seek your presence and guidance in my life’s journey.

Michael, shield me with your strength and protect me from all harm.
Gabriel, be my messenger of hope and guidance in times of uncertainty.
Raphael, heal my body, mind, and spirit with your loving touch.
Uriel, enlighten my path and fill my heart with wisdom and understanding.
Raguel, bring justice and harmony to my life and to the world.
Remiel, reveal the secrets of the universe and guide my dreams.
Zadkiel, shower me with your mercy and help me find forgiveness within.

As I invoke your names and seek your assistance,
I place my trust in your divine presence and power.
May your light shine upon me, and may I walk in the path of righteousness.

Feel free to personalize this prayer or modify it to align with your own beliefs and intentions.

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