Engaging employees is critical in protecting your most important investment: your people. Yet, research suggests that only one-sixth of organizations have engaged workers, which creates a huge opportunity for those who have the proper leadership and communication strategies in place to drive engagement and improve business results.

As an HR professional or someone on the executive team responsible for talent management, you know how impactful engaging your workforce can be. This introductory article is intended as a resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the fundamentals of engaging employees and improving employee engagement levels across their organization.

Ask your employees how they feel about their work. “Engaging employees have been found to help companies both attract more talent and increase productivity”.

Also, research shows that engagement is one of the key success factors in business, measured by how committed employees feel about their work. By engaging your workforce, you can help protect your most important investment: you.

Encourage them to be honest about what they truly think of their work. “Engaging employees are more likely to help improve business processes”.

Employee engagement is a critical success factor in business. Research by Gallup shows engaged employees are twice as likely to give extra effort and generate new ideas for improving business processes. Engaged workers also have higher customer engagement scores. ” Engaged workers are more productive, cost-efficient and technology-savvy”.

Employee engagement can be measured by interviewing employees and by asking them questions about how the company would benefit from them and their idea. “Engagement is good for business. In fact, engagement has been shown to improve bottom-line results and positively affect the bottom line through improved customer service”.

“Engagement has been shown to help companies attract more talent and increase productivity.”

Encourage them to be relentless in order to improve their work environment, not just for themselves but also for others. “Engaging employees are less likely to leave the company”.

” Engaged employees are less likely to take time off from work or quit their jobs”.

“Maintain and support the foundation of a future in which companies can attract and keep the best talent”. ” Engaging employees results in an increase in innovation, employee safety, lower turnover, higher efficiency, and increased client retention.”

Encourage them to be loyal to the organization by showing them how much you appreciate them as individuals. “Engaging employees means increased employee morale”.

Engaged employees are over twice as likely to be very satisfied with their jobs. Engaged employees are more likely to have positive attitudes toward the company, and to recommend it as a good place to work.

Research shows that companies with high levels of employee engagement have lower turnover rates, less absenteeism, and fewer accidents – all of which yields improvements in profitability. “Engagement has been shown to help companies attract more talent and improve productivity.

Observe their behavior – do they seem drained and unenthusiastic? Do they treat employees with respect? If so, that’s a good sign. Do they treat customers equally? If so, that’s a good sign. Do they make the most of what they are given to do? If so, that’s a good sign. Do they find creative ways to solve problems? If so, that’s a good sign.

According to Gallup research:
• Engaged employees put everyone else at their company first (73%) and themselves second (22%).
• Engaged employees are more likely to judge their company’s performance positively (91%) than negatively (79%).
• Engaged employees have a significantly higher intention to recommend their company (90%) than others who are not engaged.
• Engaged employees pay attention to the needs of supervisors, peers, and customers.

“Do you pay your employees enough?”

Having engaged employees is important to help protect your investment. You should build an engaged workforce by being supportive and encouraging them to always show up and never give up.

Credit Free-Photos

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