This article will summarize what leadership is, who some notable leaders have been throughout history, examples of the new leadership strategies that are being implemented and studied throughout our society, and how you can use these skills to benefit your own work life.

Leadership is the process by which influence is gained so that people will carry out assigned tasks. It is a social process that occurs whenever one person attempts to influence the beliefs or behavior of another. Leadership can be formal, as in a hierarchy, or informal, as in influencing friends and family.

The following are some notable leaders throughout history:
Martin Luther King
Nelson Mandela
Barack Obama
Mahatma Gandhi and
Cesar Chavez
They are just a few powerful figures who have led their respective movements.

Credits to johnhain

Who is Martin Luther King Jr., and why is he considered by many the greatest among them? Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who believed in a world where everybody, regardless of sex, race, religion, or sexual orientation, lived together in harmony with each other. He was an advocate for civil rights and was referred to as a prophet by many people, including Malcolm X and Gandhi (Gilmore [1]). He was the head of the Southern Christian Leadership Council that advocated for a change in the way people were treated in America.

Credits to Ben-Kerckx

Who is Nelson Mandela, and why is he considered one of the greatest among them? Nelson Mandela was a man who stood against the injustice that he saw in South Africa. He was imprisoned for 27 years and was released from prison in 1990. He became President of South Africa and tried to make things right during his term as president, renouncing apartheid and bringing change as he understood the negative effects of it (Gilmore [2]).

Credits to janeb13

Who is Barack Obama, and why is he considered one of the greatest among them? Barack Obama was the 44th President of the United States. He was elected in 2008, and his election represented a milestone in American history (Smith, 2006). His election was historic because it was the first time there was a black person elected to be president. Before his leadership people had not been supportive of his races or start-up parties because they believed there were much lesser qualified leaders he could have chosen (Smith, 2006).

Credits dimitrisvetsikas1969

Who is Gandhi, and why is he considered one of the greatest among them? Mahatma Gandhi was a man who fought for India’s independence from the United Kingdom. He led his campaign for independence peacefully by boycotting British goods, avoiding taxes, establishing public-funded schools, and strengthening villages. He became the leader of the Indian National Congress and used this position to spread his ideas. He also wrote and published outstanding poems, books, memoirs, and articles in newspapers (Gilmore [3]).

Credits United for Human Rights

Who is Cesar Chavez, and why is he considered one of the greatest among them? Cesar Chavez was an advocate for labor unions in the United States. He started the National Farm Workers Association and led a violent strike of farmworkers in Delano, California (Gilmore [4]). He inspired many people to become leaders, including Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey.

How do newly implemented and studied leadership strategies benefit society?

There are many types of leadership. Recently, there has been much study and research within the fields of leadership and organizational development.
The following is a list of some of the more prominent advancements in these fields:

  1. The Technology of Leadership

There have been many advances in using technology to run and manage organizations. Using technology has benefited the growth of leadership and organization development. Some notable advancements in technology include:

a.) The Internet: The Internet has served as a source that has allowed leaders to communicate and work together more effectively. This is especially helpful for those leaders who are scattered across the world, rather than within a local community (Barker & Ricci, 2006).

b. Social Media: Social media has allowed leaders to have open discussions and free sharing of information. Leaders can communicate more freely with one another without the threat of being penalized for failure to maintain confidentiality (Barker & Ricci, 2006).

c.) Mobile Technology: Mobile technology has made it possible to reach people almost anywhere. In the past, leaders would need to be within proximity of their subordinates in order for their messages to be effectively communicated and received.

  1. Science and Management

The role of business leaders today is not the same as it was in the past. Social changes are very influential in the ways leaders interact with and affect society. The role of a leader has changed over time, from simply responsible for a person’s performance to a manager responsible for meeting the needs of stakeholders (Barker & Ricci, 2006). Leaders have also become more work-focused, rather than task-focused.

What skills can you used to benefit your work life?

In a business environment, your work life will most likely focus more on obtaining and analyzing data. In order to be successful in these situations, develop skills and techniques in this area. There are many areas of a business where you can use data to improve performance or profit. Some of these areas include:

  • Analyzing financial data in order to improve sales.
  • Determining what products or services are most effective and profitable.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness strategies.
  • Identifying cost centers in a business and being able to manage them effectively. On a personal level, your skills and abilities can help you create better relationships with those around you.

On a personal level, your skills and abilities can help you create better relationships with those around you.

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